Corruptor's Clock
Purportedly, in the “hereafter” beyond this world, every single country will be given an extraordinary clock by the God. That clock is very special because it can give us an idea about honesty level from the government official of each country. The more a country citizens are honest, the slower the hand of clock ticks. And so with the other hand.
The Filipina’s clock ticks extremely fast. It means, the accusation was right that Marcos did corruptions. The same with Congo’s clock, Mobutu Seseko’s country, which ticks faster. There are a lot of dissimilarities for each country. Cameroon and China are pretty fast. The United States is quite normal, while Iran ticks incredibly slowly.
But, the peculiar thing here is there is no Indonesia’s clock in every nook and cranny of the “hereafter.” Then someone says, “Where is the Indonesia’s clock???” Soon the guardian angel calmly and gently responds the man’s query, “We put it on the back of the kitchen, and it is very suitable as a FAN.”
P.S.: I didn't have any intention to offense the countries I mentioned on the above story. It's pure only a joke. Thank you...