I just don't know how to say it. When I opened my facebook today and updating the status, I peeped on the right side of my home page, precisely on the highlights section and saw a photo album uploaded by my friend. It was quite appealing to me.
Then, I clicked on the link, and began to see the photos she had in it. the first page is still okay. Seemed pretty usual. But, when I clicked the second page, I was shocked by an image which I thought was very rare and unique. It seemed that she already had the mind-set to act like that and it suited her best. It was so funny that I almost had my head hit by the computer desk. Hehehee...No offense Dils. You're not gonna kill me for this post, aren't you? :D
Hhhh ... I am so missing her, and
especially all the friends in my university. Guys, kapan ni kita ngumpul-ngumpul lagiii???